
Community Mobilization

portable vapes

Ad Campaign Save Gaza is committed to detaching the negative undertone carried with the mere mention of the Gaza Strip. The means to achieving this objective is by bringing the focus back onto the affected human faces of Gazans. Our advertisements will convey in both images and text that Gaza is home to a forgotten people with no hope and no help. By running these ads in local newspapers, magazines, radio shows, it is our goal to awaken the conscious of the American public to act.

Monthly Fundraiser Events

 Save Gaza is committed to raising monetary donations for humanitarian assistance in ways that will be most beneficial. Therefore, hosting fundraiser events once a month will serve as our main portal to encourage and enable the local community to become resourceful. In doing so Save Gaza is committed to working with various restaurants, performers, artists, and distinguished professionals to keep the community engaged and aware of the crisis in Gaza while providing emergency humanitarian relief.

Humanitarian Relief

Due to the limited access to those in Gaza, our main source of support will be generating funds to be channeled through organizations that are established on the ground and have the ability to assess the current situation. Humanitarian aid will be defined as the dispersement of basic necessities such as food, water, clothes and medicine as well as supplies needed for schools, hospitals, and other civil services that have been incapacitated by the international community.

Capacity Building

The most profound aspect of Save Gaza will reside with its ability to provide capacity building for the residents of Gaza. Defined as a long term goal, Save Gaza aims to establish development programs geared towards promoting the sustainability of the Gaza Strip in the fields of government, education, and the economy to name a few. Through the promotion of development and recognizable sovereignty Save Gaza believes stability will be achieved.